Thursday, August 19, 2021

 How to generate Model class and DbContext from existing Data Base using .NET Core 

Open the Nuget Manage and run the following command
Scaffold-DbContext Name=DBConnection Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Model -Tables KpiSMSLog

Which will only include the table name kpismslog

To specify Name Space

PM> Scaffold-DbContext Name=HostDB Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -Namespace ScheduleMonitor -ContextNamespace ScheduleMonitor.Business

Script migration Changes

Script-Migration -From 20200810134651_partyIdentifer_column -To 20201118122724_SAPuserIdColumn 

How to reset the Identity column value using SQL


 How to generate Model class and DbContext from existing Data Base using .NET Core  Open the Nuget Manage and run the following command Scaf...